My China Hosting is a blog that aims at providing updates on the web hosting industry in China, especially for non-Chinese website owners.
We will also be sharing here some information on China-targeted web hosts.
My China Hosting is a blog that aims at providing updates on the web hosting industry in China, especially for non-Chinese website owners.
We will also be sharing here some information on China-targeted web hosts.
For a site targeting global users hosting in China or even in Asia is actually not recommended as the issue will just be reversed, your US/Canadian visitors will have slow access to your site. As your site is not only targeting Asia, I would recommend instead to keep it hosted in the US (West Coast preferably, California or Seattle) and then complement this with a CDN solution such as cloudflare that will speed up local access from the other locations. I am not familiar with Heroku so do not know whether they allow you to add a CDN or force you to use only AWS-based locations so cannot comment much further on that. Hope this helps.
hi there
I just stumbled upon your site and wonder if you guys would be able to make the suggestion on the server we should migrate to.
We just launched our site couple months ago on Heroku. The loading speed is like 40 seconds in Shanghai when it is 1.8 seconds in the US. So it is not great.
Our site targets users from all over the world (mostly US, Canada, UK, Australia) and attracting users from China (other than other Asian countries) is what will make us do well.
However, we will only localize our content in 6 months or so.
Will be great to hear from you.